The Code of Solaris
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im so broke!

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im so broke! Empty im so broke!

Post  Admin Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:20 pm

there is so much i want to do with you guys band wise. but im having car trouble now too.
im going to have to find up a way there somehow this upcoming weekend. but everytime i come up, my cars been in the repair shop the next day, my car is just getting really old and cant do long distances anymore.

im going to have to get a second job just for band expenses, and just to keep everything moving.
i would love to be up there at least two times a week, but things are stacked against me right now.
if cas is coming up, i can always catch a ride that way. but i think his car is broke too? i think i heard that from someone.

all i know, is we have a pretty rad show coming up soon! and i want to be ready for it too, just as bad as you guys.

they have rehersal spaces for rent down here too, if that is somthing we have to do.

you guys could just come down anytime during the week or weekend so we can work on perpetual groove.

its a pretty easy song to learn, so im not too worried about that.

keep me updated on any ideas to get the most down next week!

Posts : 125
Join date : 2009-08-31

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im so broke! Empty Re: im so broke!

Post  AgentOfChaos Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:52 pm

What we need to do is get a practice space in the middle. I was thinking all of us could meet in Daytona or something. But yea this show coming up is pretty important. I had the chance to listen to all the bands today and a lot of them aren't bad. We really need to be ready for this, I'm actually more concerned about the vocals for most of the songs. I don't know where Cass stands with everything. Lets get this going people. What a Face

Posts : 94
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 38

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im so broke! Empty Re: im so broke!

Post  Josh Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:10 am

Hey guys. This is a sticky subject. Ok, here is what I need.

David: If you could do some research for me on the rehersal/practice spaces in Orlando, that would be great! Find out if the practice spaces there are permanent, like that of our storage unit, or if they are only by the hour. We will most likely try our best to keep our storage unit here, so the cheaper, the better.

Johnny: Having a space in Daytona to me wouldn't solve anything because David and Cas would still have to drive an hour, and same with us, AND we wouldn't have a place to stay in the event that we practice late (which is usually the case). If you are worrying about your own transportation, worry not. Im sure that you will be able to carpool with both Eddie and I, given that you have to drive an hour youself down to J-ville. If we end up making more frequent trips to Orlando, Eddie and I are going to really need you to do your best to contribute something every month for band rent. Understanding that you aren't in the best financial position ever, we are asking that you at least contribute what you can, because not only will we be paying for our storage, but for gas to O-town, and possibly a rehersal spot there as well.

We all need to be doing everything possible to be prepared for November. Visually, Sonically, and Professionally, we need to be ready. After seeing the new c0d3:1r1s myspace layouts, I have a new-found love for the band name, and suggest that we keep it. If anyone hates the idea, let me know. Later I will post a "to-do" list of things that I believe needs to be taken care of a.s.a.p.

We all have more than enough talent, charm, and good looks to make it in this industry. It is up to us to not give up. Its like a marriage, For better, and for Worse, I am willing to make the commitments, and I know, and hope that you all feel the same.


Posts : 87
Join date : 2009-08-31
Age : 36
Location : Jacksonville, Florida

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im so broke! Empty Re: im so broke!

Post  Admin Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:11 pm

lol, its funny you say that josh. because right now i have a new found love for the name code:iris too.
not really because of the layout. but it flows off the tongue the easiest, and its easy for people to remember.
it also still has alot of prog elements, and mainstream appeal. but i am happy about my photoshop skills, as they are improving!


you guys have the name already. it doesnt have to be or
which for some reason bugs me. because if we hand out flyers or business cards, it looks way more pro to have a simple website url.

so you have my vote on that!

and thats totally true about the rehearsal space.
it really needs to be in jax for now. we have a place to stay and its cheap.
the drive doesnt bother me at all. its my car. and im going to take care of that sometime soon.

also, about the show.
i really do want to blow people away. we are playing with some pro bands!
which makes me excited as hell to really step up our game.
i really want to start working on stage presence and sounding as tight as possible.

we have around 1 month to get super tight! plenty of time, as long as we are organized and working on the right things.


if everyone does decide on code:iris, i can probly switch the url's over to the tmos myspace pretty simple.

Posts : 125
Join date : 2009-08-31

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im so broke! Empty Re: im so broke!

Post  AgentOfChaos Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:36 am

Well its true, we do have one month left, and yes this is going to be a professional show. Someone has got to get a hold of Cass and find out if he's got lyrics to Sunraiders. I've tried calling, texting, and even calling Jag to get a hold of him, but I've been unsuccessful. I want to make sure he practices his vocals at least every other day. Josh, Eddie, and I are going to be recording Tyrany next practice so that Cass can start working on vocals for that as well. If I'm correct I think our set list at the moment and in no specific order is:

Perpetual Groove
Sun Raiders

We've got to find a way to all meet up and just play till we bleed. We need to sound and look amazing on that stage. clown

I have always liked Code Iris but Cass is going to be the one who needs to be convinced on the name. Wink

Posts : 94
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 38

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